Simple Investing For Nonprofits

“They drove a disproportionate return,” she said, and if these shares drop, the indexes will fall, too. She recommends Vanguard’s managed collateral and international funds for low-cost but positively managed alternatives. When considering whether to hold hedge funds, which often do not allow immediate liquidation of investments, many nonprofits may need to examine whether they can afford to forgo access to their money for very long periods. That’s not necessarily a concern, however. Before Patti Birch died in 2007, for example, she directed that her Everett and Patti B. Birch Foundation spend down most of its funds in the years ahead.

The foundation’s chief executive, Vartan Gregorian, said it still offered money to “the arts, women’s rights, religious and ethnic tolerance, freedom of talk and strengthening American democracy,” all causes which were important to Ms. Birch. Mr. Gregorian is chief executive of the Carnegie Company also. The foundation’s remaining funds are being held in low-risk short-term bonds, said Mark Imowitz, whose firm, Imowitz Koenig, and Company, handle the finances. “Patti was not concerned about having a great understanding in her investment property,” he said. Many nonprofits have to think much longer term, however, and don’t have the luxury of holding all of their assets in a single low-risk asset class. 9 million endowment and that plans on being around for many years. Commonfund, which advises many educational organizations, has handled La Salle’s money, he said.

In other words, GIT Global Investments claims to be an Oregon company, though it works in Nevada even. It is properly legal to do so, of course. Item of Interest: chase down this “Robert A. Lee” and address, as well as T. Burton, and B. Stenbock. What about Internet Global Value? Internet Global Value was never registered as a business in Oregon.

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Research for the website name “Internet Global Value” demonstrates the domains are registered to a “Earth Class Mail” PO Box in SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, with a phone number that would go to Wilmington back, Delaware. So that got us nowhere, except it appears to indicate we got the right company. So what will be the facts up to now?

The only thing that can be ascertained from the facts so far is the owners and commercial officials of Wazzub / GIT Global Investments are unknown. Moreover, “GIT Global Investment” is registered through an agent who was under “cease and desist” by the state of Oregon to avoid registering businesses with brands of “bank”, “trust”, or “investment” as it’s a violation of Oregon banking law.

And “investment” is a part of “GIT Global Investments”. Does that means that the stop and desist were violated? I have no idea. That’d be up to the state of Oregon to choose. Nonetheless it is another true point to consider. What’s this GIT Global Investments? Why don’t we switch toward this business called “GIT Global Investments”, authorized in Oregon, with a signed-up business location in a genuine home in suburban Oregon, but with a MAILING address in Roseville California.

Search on the Internet for the company name revealed that “GIT Global Investments” is a “sound-alike” for the best software company in Canada called “GIT — Global Investment Technologies”. The “lookupbook” hyperlink goes to a 404 not found web page. Starting at the website root and search from shows no anomalies there.