What Area Of The Global World Are You Most INTERESTED IN And Why?

HBS: What section of the world are you most curious about and why? This post is on the 3rd of four “Question 3” questions for the Harvard Business School MBA Application for Fall 2009 Admission. You must answer two out of four of these questions. Question 3: 3.What area of the global world are you most inquisitive about and why? I like this question.

It is new because of this year. So that as I know considerably, HBS is the first to ask it. It really is so refreshing to visit a relevant question that is so open-ended and yet so potentially revealing. Even though many will assume that the question applies only to those with a global focus, it actually would apply to any location that you are curious about. Clearly the curiosity consideration is key here.

As with other HBS questions, the “why” is simply as important as the “what.” Since attention is about what you do not know, the entire focus of the question should be future oriented. In other words, it might be wrong to create this article about something you WERE curious about; it must be about something you ARE interested in instead.

But curiosity is insufficient! What section of the global world you are curious about must be something related to your future. Otherwise, why does HBS need to know about it? Probably it will relate with what you want to study at HBS, what you would like to do after you graduate from HBS, and/or to your values.

This question is not for everybody, but for those whose goals and/or beliefs are linked to specific geographic location, it is an ideal question. It a question that one can use to focus on internationalism also. This is actually the second year in a row that HBS has asked a question related to presenting a global perspective.

  • Learn a international vocabulary
  • Degree Requirements
  • You don’t have time
  • The Tony Robbins Podcast
  • Wages, salaries, bonuses, commissions and employee health insurance premiums
  • Principle of Indemnity,
  • How have past magazines performed
  • FIL 342: Estate Planning

To understand more about how a global perspective fits into HBS overall, I suggest taking a look at The Global Initiative. Additionally, you should investigate the Immersion Experience. Future Immersion Experiences are being planned for China, India, the center East, and New Orleans. If you use this essay to discuss your professional goals, please refer to my analysis of 3-4 as I discuss how to articulate a career vision there in great fine detail. Please, see my FAQ regarding the types of questions I will respond to.

Consider this argument. Seattle has a populace of 725,000. Let`s say 500,000 of these individuals are heading or working to college. Day For a major snow, let’s assume 200,000 individuals are not able to go to work or college. 100. Then the price of the snow day would be 20 million dollars. Now I suspect this is a huge underestimate. I bet on the worst snow days, half the city wasn’t working or going to school.

100 a day of work value seems cheap. And think about all the injuries, damage, and deaths on the roadways due to snow? I bet the real costs are closer to 50 million dollars a day (if any of you can give me a better number, please HELP!). Assuming we’d 5 snow times this month, the costs would be 100 million to 250 million due to the snow. Am I crazy or will really buy snowplows seems a really good deal for the city?

The cost of security is significantly less than 1% of the expense of the loss. There is certainly all sorts of glib talk that the city shouldn’t buy snowplows because heavy snow is relatively uncommon. But the evaluation above claim that the clear logic is to buy snowplows. Can you imagine how popular Mayor Durkan would be if she got the excess plows and the city was nearly snow free during the next snow event?