VirtualBox from Oracle makes it very easy to install multiple guest os running various variations of Windows (including Vista), different flavors of Linux or Unix centered operating systems all on a single PC or Mac. While Vista isn’t the latest version of Windows open to run on modern computing hardware, it is still a competent operating-system once fully patched and updated.
It is a good candidate for setting up in a virtual machine working either on the PC or a Mac. Why not dual-boot or use TRAINING you ask? Saving your projects and shutting down your current operating system and rebooting and switching to some other can waste a while, if you need to constantly switch between two os’s especially. Therefore, it’s much simpler to install Vista in a virtual machine with VirtualBox and requires no downtime to reboot and switch operating systems. One major advantage of this is that you can work with one operating system or another as you wish.
Essentials or Practical exam incidentally) on a single computer without needing these to dual-boot or have an extra PC or Mac lying down around. So, Vista and VirtualBox can become a powerful teaching tool for either learning students or individuals studying for certification exams. The very first thing anyone shall need to install Vista in VirtualBox is the VirtualBox application itself, available for free from Oracle. The set-up process for this software is fairly straightforward on PCs or Macs.
Once installed, we can begin to create a fresh virtual machine to set up Windows Vista on. Click ‘New’ at the top left of the VirtualBox manager window. Once finished with choosing the appropriate operating system, continue through the wizard. Next you’ll be asked to decide on how much RAM to assign to your virtual machine when it’s running.
For Windows Vista, the suggested minimum is 512 MB of RAM, which VirtualBox selects for you by default. Nevertheless, you can increase this amount as long as you have a sufficient amount of RAM installed on the web host PC or Mac. Determine how much RAM you wish to assign (remember, more is way better) and keep on through the wizard.
Now, we’ll need to make a digital hard drive to set up Vista on within our new virtual machine. This is essentially a huge file stored on your local hard drive that acts as its hard drive. This helps to keep your visitor and web host OSs files independent. VirtualBox will provide a few different formats for your virtual hard drive file, nonetheless it is flawlessly fine to stick with the default format option if you don’t need your digital hard disk to be useful with other virtualization software. Next, you will be asked to choose whether you want to make your digital hard drive dynamically or fixed sized.
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Making your digital hard drive dynamically size means it will develop as necessary, but it receives shrink when the extra space is much longer needed and it can become fragmented as well no, reducing the performance of the virtual machine. A set-size virtual drive is exactly what it is, you won’t grow in size and it is trapped at what size you created it. However it is not as likely to suffer from fragmentation as a dynamically sized virtual hard drive and is usually the best choice.
Now, you need to decide what size you would like to make your brand-new virtual hard drive. Vista’s minimal requirements require a 20 GB hard drive but VirtualBox may default to 25 GB as its recommendation for what size your digital hard drive should be. You can reduce this somewhat although Vista does need 15 GB of free space to set up (as per Microsoft). Obviously if you have a large hard drive, you may create a larger digital hard drive if you wish.
Finish the virtual hard drive wizard, which might take a few minutes to complete creating the digital hard drive file on your hard drive. Now, all we have to do is complete the new digital machine wizard, which at this time only will show us a listing of the settings of the new virtual machine before completing. That we’re ready to shoe our virtual machine Now, simply double-click it, right click and choose ‘Start’ or select it and click ‘Start’ at the top of the VirtualBox supervisor window.